Election Overview Dashboard
Understanding the election overview page
The election overview provides an at a glance detail of your election setup, and progress when live.
The page consists of a card style layout with each card displaying information relevant to the setup of your election.
There are 6 main cards and one voter interaction graph on the page.
The following information details the purpose of each card.
Card one
Times and dates of election
Election status
Indicator icons - hover over the icons to determine the purpose, a green icon means this option is enabled.
Card Two
Displays the election unique URL, this can be provided to voters if they are unable to use the email notifications magic link.
Displays the automated cleanup date.
Card Three
Displays any resolutions added to your election
Quick navigate to add a resolution if none exist.
Card Four
Displays any positions added to your election
Quick navigate to add a position if none exist.
Card Five
Displays total number of voters in your election
Shows a live pie chart detail when the election is live
Election progress detail cards
The cards and graph give you day by day and hour by hour details of how your election is performing.